Thursday, August 07, 2008

Theeeee'rrrreeee Baaaccckk!

In school. Yes the kids are back in school.

Not much going on in the world of Dom. I was out of town the first part of the week (work) and just got back into the office today. The travel must of really wore me out because I felt terrible this morning. Just lethargic and a bit lightheaded. It does not seem like I have been right since I started taking the heart drugs. I just hope it is not something else lurking in the background.

Weekend is coming up, so I will get some rest and hopefully get back to par.

I did run Tuesday (5 miles on treadmill at hotel) and today (5 miles on treadmill at work). It has been miserably hot so running outside just is not appealing. I plan on doing a short run tomorrow and lift some weights.

Time for a popsicle and then the rack.

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