Thursday, December 06, 2007

Almost There

Saturday is MARATHON DAY. I wish it were a movie marathon day. I am getting apprehensive for two reasons. One, the temperature will be warm....low mid-50's and high low 70's. Not exactly ideal running temps. The other reason is my feet. Yup...the ones with three black toes (one left and two right). In addition to black toes is blisters. I often get blisters on the bottom of my right foot near the base of the toes. This typically occurs only when I run long races (at least 15k or more). Although this is a fairly flat course and slower than usual speed, I hope I don't start to develop blisters during the race.

I have tried a number of things and haven't quite found the solution yet. This time I will try bodyglide and A&D ointment. Hopefully I can lube up enough to prevent blisters and sore toes.

My feet have recovered from my beach run where I ran barefoot and got some really great blisters on both big toes and one smaller toe. Oowee! That was dumb.

I have been on a two week taper and last week I actually felt more pent up energy than this week. I could not sleep well last week and woke up earlier than usual each day. This week I have been tired every night, going to bed on time (one night even an hour earlier than usual) and sleeping pretty well through the night. My running this week has been minimal at best and no running yesterday and today.

Well there is not much more I can do to be ready. I want to enjoy the run, make my target time (<3:30) and not be terribly sore for a week. So I will get out there and git r done. I will let you know how it turns out.

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