Friday, February 22, 2008

Back From DC

What a trip. It was cold. In your face, windy, bone chilling COLD. Now I am back in the 'ham and it is warm. We had some great rain last night when a big ole T-storm rolled through the area dumping a good deal of rain that we need.

Prior to the flight home last night, I had a Guinness followed by an hour's worth of flutter. Needless to say, I did not cash in that free drink on the flight home.

I have not run in several days. I still have this persistent cough, as does my son, so we both headed to the doc-in-the-box for another round of antibiotics. I hope this will knock out the cough. I will plan on running Sunday since I have to officiate a track meet all day tomorrow (if this work issue that popped up this afternoon does not override it).

I got my cousin to read my blog. I am sure she will be thrilled with my prose...maybe not.

My flutter overall has improved with (mostly) eliminating the alcohol. Sure is a bummer, but it is a worthwhile trade.

Mercedes pics are posted....finally a decent pic with the finishing time. I just wish I had a better race time. Check them out. Buy one and post it on your wall....throw darts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dom,

I enjoyed reading about your journey with Atrial Flutter.. i came across your blog while researchingAtrial flutter which I was diagnosed with last week after an electrophysiology study.

Mine seem to want to start after I eat or when I'm sitting down relaxing. When I'm up and about, it doesn't seem to bother me as much. When I'm cycling, I'm fine, but in the hours after, it's almost as if the slower heart rate gives the flutter room to start.

As strange as it may sound, I can sometimes get rid of the blips by burping.

Oh well, keep on running!