Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I ran 4.8 miles today after work. My is it getting hot or what? And it is just the low 80's :-(

I had a little flutter after my run this afternoon and now nothing. I am really interested to hear what Dr. Kay has to say.

Back to the run...legs felt heavy like I have not run frequently enough the past few weeks. It is so easy to get into a routine of relative inactivity. No wonder our nation is obese.

My wife is heading to Florida to see her mother for Mother's Day. She has not seen her mother on this holiday since we have been married (~19 years). Her mom does not know she is coming so I am sure it will be a big surprise.

Now I think I will cruise on the net and eat some Jelly Belly jellybeans. Yummy!

1 comment:

Jim said...

Yes, it is getting hot. I can't remember mid and high 80s this early in the year.

The inactivity will definitely cause heavy legs and JELLY BELLY! Stay away from the pear flavor-YUCK!