Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another Killer WOD

Well it does not get any better than another workout that makes you feel like the skinny doofus on the beach....remember the ads? Skinny kid gets sand kicked in his face by musclee(?) dude, then orders the Atlas workout and goes back to kick the musclee dude's butt.

Nothing like knowing a killer workout is lurking in your future ready to shred your dignity and weak musculature.

The WOD:


Two rounds, of each couplet, for time of:
750 meter Row (used cable cross pull at 45#, 75 reps)
20 Handstand Push-ups (yeah right...military press at 90# instead)

115 pound Thruster, 20 reps (30# then 25# dumbells)
20 L-Pull-ups (this assumes you can do regular pull-ups...regular pull-up with slight jump assist)

Total time was 22:48. I started with 1 mile run, then 3X samson stretch, 15 situps and 15 back extensions (on a ball). I finished with 10-50# military press and 1 mile run.

While my upper body strength is improving, it is still no where good enough to even attempt handstand pushups much less L-pull-ups (pull-up with your legs extended perpendicular to your body). Plus, my shoulders ache after workouts like this although the achiness has significantly reduced over the past few weeks.

No one said it would be easy....bring on the WOD!!!!

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