Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday and Sunday WODs

Saturday WOD


21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift (since this is my first attempt - 135#)
Handstand push-ups (elevated push-ups instead)

Aftermath - lower back is sore this (Sunday) morning. I cannot get anywhere close to 225#...I initially tried 185# and thought I was going to rupture something. So swallow some pride and ego and dropped the weight to something manageable so I would not injure myself. The biggest problem is that I had a hard time maintaining my grip on the bar toward the end. There is no way I can do a handstand push-up. So I put my feet on a weight bench and did push-ups instead.

Sunday WOD

Four rounds for time of:
100 ft Walking lunge, carrying 30 pound dumbbells (25# is all I have a home...thank God)
24 inch Box Jump, 30 reps (did on stairs...2nd step [15'] and occasionally 3rd step [23"])
30 pound Weighted pull-ups, 20 reps (yeah right...just doing 4 sets of 20 pull-ups is enough)

Time was about 30 minutes. This is a high end cardio workout if you don't stop. I took breaks every 50', every 10 jumps and every 5 pull-ups. I am a little concerned about keeping my heart rate high while on flecanide. I was certainly huffing and puffing and my heart rate was elevated...should have worn my monitor ;-(

My plan is to record my WOD results everyday just to track overall fitness and heart rate issues. I am on week 3 or 4 and I have noticed a considerable improvement in my general fitness. Running is good for the cardio; however, my upper body strength and general leg strength are very weak. I want to improve overall fitness and try to maintain my body weight around 170#s. I notice more muscle and less spare tire and it seems like my overall body fat has decreased. I will measure it at work to see what it is. I have some readings from a couple of months ago and it will be interesting to compare.

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