Monday, April 07, 2008

Rough Day

After a long bout of flutter yesterday, I kept getting auto recordings on my Holter monitor off and on all morning. Plus, I felt lightheaded this morning as I walked to different meetings. I called the cardio doc and the nurse called my back (3-4 hours later). She said that the lightheaded and tired feeling was due to the long flutter episode the previous day. Well I sure was dragging all day long and could have used a nap.

I was supposed to travel to one of our plant sites today, but due to other issues, we canceled the trip for now. Thank goodness because I did not feel up to it.

I did get my INR checked today and it was 2.0. So I am up to 10 mg of Warfarin everyday except Mon, Wed and Fri which is 7.5 mg.

I have heard, mainly via my wife, how other folks have gone through something like this and their cardio doc put them on a blocker for 3-6 months and then weaned them off. They did not have any further issues. I wonder if my reluctance to do that has caused my heart to start getting used to this electrical leakage, hence more flutter...there is a medical term for it, but I cannot find it right at the moment.

I have not been wearing my monitor at night because I want to be able to sleep. However, the next time I have flutter prior to bedtime, I will attempt to wear it through the night.

Well it is 8:20 and I am ready to call it a day!

1 comment:

Jim said...

Man . . . I hate to hear that you're having problems. I know it's disconcerting plus the fact that it wears on your body . . . what a bummer.

Hope the Dr can help get things figured out.